Website Manager

Bristol Little League

Bristol Little League offers a range of sponsorship opportunities for local businesses and individuals to support youth sports in the community. By becoming a sponsor, you help provide essential resources for players, teams, and facilities. In return, sponsors receive visibility through signage, advertising, and recognition on team uniforms, as well as in event programs. It's a great way to show community support while promoting your business to a local audience. Different sponsorship levels cater to various budgets and offer unique benefits.

Platinum Sponsor

  • Sponsor's name on Majors team shirt
  • Outfield banner with company logo in full color at Forestville , Edgewood & Barnes field (Road Facing)
  • Prime website recognition & Social Media recognition
  • 4 Golfer Spots at annual golf tournament, golf hole flag, signage at golf tournament (Sponsor Board and Tee Box)

Gold Sponsor
  • Sponsor’s name on Major League team shirt
  • Outfield banner with company logo in full color at Forestville, Edgewood & Barnes Field (road facing)
  • Prime website recognition & Social Media recognition
  • Sponsorship recognition on sponsorship board at our annual golf outing and a sign at a golf hole

Silver Jersey Sponsor

  • $750 per year: 1-year sponsorship of Upper Division team shirt ( Juniors or Seniors) and 1 outfield banner with logo in full color
  • $500 per year: 1-year sponsorship of Majors or AAA team shirt
  • $250 per year: 1-year sponsorship of AA league team shirt
  • $175per year: 1-year sponsorship of Two Teams (one team per TeeBall and Single A levels).

**All team shirts will have company name on the back of shirts**

Bronze Banner Sponsor

  • $500 per year: Dugout/Concessions Sponsorships are for 1-year (spring season) Banners are 60"x30" in full color with company logo. Website and social media recognition for 1-year.
  • $500 Per year: Street Side Banner on Mix St. Sponsorships are for 1 year (Spring/Fall season) Banners are a bigger size & in full color with company logo. Website and social media recognition for 1 year
  • $300 per year: Outfield Banner - Choice of available site for 1-year Sponsorships are for 1-year banners are 60"x30" in full color with company logo.

**Please note we cannot hang banners on Breen field. All banners at Edgewood are removed at the end of spring season due to regional little league tournaments**

Please email [email protected] and specify what package you would like to sign up for.

If paying via check please mail check to:
Bristol Little League
ATTN: Tiffany Caron
PO Box 2524
Bristol CT 06011

You can also pay online via the link below. 
**All prices via square include a 3% Site Service Fee**



Field Status

Open Open

Edgewood Facility (02:21 PM | 04/17/21)

Open Open

Breen (06:36 PM | 03/28/19)

Open Open

Field 2 (06:36 PM | 03/28/19)

Open Open

Field 3 (06:36 PM | 03/28/19)

Open Open

Field 4 (06:36 PM | 03/28/19)

Open Open

Field 5 (11:56 AM | 04/19/19)

Open Open

Barnes (11:02 AM | 09/23/19)

Open Open

Forestville Facility (02:21 PM | 04/17/21)

Open Open

Watson (06:38 PM | 03/28/19)

Open Open

Peck (08:44 PM | 04/05/19)

Open Open

Field 2 (08:47 PM | 04/05/19)

Open Open

McCabe Waters Facility (02:21 PM | 04/17/21)

Open Open

Field 1 (06:35 PM | 03/28/19)